If I Get Lost

And, what if I get lost someday?
I get lost and don’t come back.
You’ll search for me frantically. Here, there, and everywhere.
You won’t find me.
I’ll be so near to you, yet so far.
You will see me, but won’t be able to catch me.
What if?
Will you hate me for breaking all the promises that I made all through these days, months and years?
Will you try to search me to get me back or just to ask me why I broke my promises and why I left?
What if I don’t come back? Even if I want to.
You’ll always know that I am with you. Around you.
Yet, not with you. Not around you.
You’ll see the dreams that I saw.
You’ll live for the cause that motivated me to survive.
You’ll know what I was, how I was. With you. Without you.
And you’ll know what you are. Without me.
And I’ll stand there. Looking at you. Transforming into my Dream Man.
A dream man any girl would die for!
I will stand there and see you grow up.
For, growth is of both, Our Relationship and You.
For, growth is of both, Our Love and Me.
Both of us will know what we are, good or bad. And what we have been all these years. Better or worse.
We’ll know if we’re just habits or a nessecity.
We’ll know if our Love attains maturity, if it tastes good with age, for we’ve always treated out desires like Wine.
We’ll know what the Nothingness of our silence speaks when our lips refuse to rant what we feel.
And not for once have I ever felt that losing myself would take me closer to knowing myself, for you’re my shore and I find myself when I get lost in you.
The blues of your veins, the hues of your eyes everytime tell me that I’m yours. All yours.
Getting lost has always been great.
But, what if I wanna get lost with you this time?
What if I claim to be yours for a Lifetime?
What if today, We get lost and never come back?
You’ve always told me that my lips taste like Home.
So, would you run back to this World or find a tent in a nomad ; Me?

~ Anushka Acharya

29 thoughts on “If I Get Lost

  1. Mainly, these are the thoughts I stopped my longest relationship ever. I can’t help on myself wanting to “get lost”; it is a huge burden for me to think of and I felt it was a huge burden for her to be the sole reason of my life.

    Beautiful words, sour, but beautiful 🌹

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